In Flow Chiropractic

In Flow Chiropractic aim is to improve quality of life, overall health and wellbeing for people. People all slow down as they live longer, but that doesn’t mean people have to stop doing the things they love. Most people first come to In Flow to help them with back pain, neck pain and headaches, but many choose to continue their care to maintain and continue improving their spinal health because of the invaluable range of health benefits that having a healthy spine brings!

Want to learn more. Get in touch

Our Brief

In Flow approached e-nexus to enhance their marketing, boosting the reach of their business to new audiences and enable them to regularly interact with existing and past clients.

Our solution

• Management of their social media accounts and daily posting
• Management of their CRM marketing system
• Management of regular updates and technical developments on the In Flow website
• Blog writing and posting
• Creation of their regular email newsletter template plus content writing
• Creation of campaign content for use across digital and print channels
• Creation of reactivation campaigns designed for past clients, rolling out across digital and print channels
• Identifying face to face lead generation opportunities

Want to learn more. Get in touch